Who wouldn’t want the cleanest, safest drinking water for themselves and their family? Copper piping is the most suitable piping available for the cleanest, most drinkable water. If you are thinking about updating your pipes and drains, give us a call for a free estimate on copper piping. Copper piping is the most durable type […]
Doesn’t it seem like a clogged sink happens at the most inconvenient time? Without fail, your sink will start acting up just when you’re already late for work, trying to get ready for a big event or when you simply don’t have time to wait for the plumber. Fortunately, Colin M Easton Plumbing can teach you […]
Dishwashers often leave a little water in the bottom after a cycle. This is because there is a heating element in the bottom that heats the dishes, and this element needs to be covered with water to avoid burning up. However, if this water isn’t draining away, if there is much more water than there […]
First open the tank and try to flush the toilet to see what is causing the continued running. Make sure the chain is not tangled or trapped under the flow. Look to see that the flow closes on its own after the tank drains. If it doesn’t, it may need replacing. Check the floater; if […]